The power of workwear
Alex, one of six nurses NNT asked to take their workwear for an after-hours spin. Credit: NNT

The power of workwear

May 14, 2024 Kumuda Setty

Many workers in industries such as healthcare, trades and services, retail, hospitality and sales, require uniforms. But when it comes to workwear trends, there’s a growing emphasis on comfort and personal style. In hybrid environments, some adopt more casual clothing that reflects their individuality. However, it’s important to strike a balance between comfort and professionalism, and involving employees in the uniform selection process helps foster acceptance and satisfaction.


Workwear uniforms serve several important purposes:



Uniforms help create a professional image for a company, conveying a sense of unity and consistency among employees, which can enhance the company's reputation and instil confidence in clients and customers.



Branded workwear, displaying the company's logo and colours, can be a powerful marketing tool, increasing visibility and recognition.



Uniforms may include high-visibility materials, protective gear, or antibacterial fabric for healthcare industries. This helps ensure wellbeing and reduces the risk of accidents.


Team cohesion

Uniforms can foster a sense of belonging and unity among employees. Matching attire promotes a team mentality, encouraging collaboration and cooperation.


Sustainability considerations

Sustainability is vital for all industries. Sustainable workwear options also contribute to a positive brand image and employee satisfaction.


Qualities worth looking out for include:


• Sustainable fabrics such as organic cotton, recycled polyester or bamboo have a lower environmental impact than conventional fabrics


• Certifications ensure ethical and sustainable production processes. Choose suppliers that adhere to fair trade principles which are usually an indication they are providing fair wages and safe working conditions for workers


• Well-constructed garments, with reinforced stitching and durable materials, are essential from both sustainability and cost-effectiveness perspectives


• Workwear that is easy to care for, requiring minimal special treatments or dry cleaning, reduces the environmental impact


• Workwear that can be easily mixed and matched with other pieces allows employees to create multiple outfits from a limited number of garments


• Clothing that can be easily recycled or repurposed at the end of its life. Some brands offer take-back programmes or recycling initiatives to ensure the garments are disposed of responsibly


• Clothing brands with transparent supply chains and which prioritise sustainability


The power of well-chosen branded workwear lies in its ability to create a strong and consistent brand image – and is better for business and the planet.





Kumuda Setty is an experienced sales and marketing specialist and the NNT NZ brand and sales manager for Workwear Group. To learn more about how NNT can help with your workwear needs, email or visit